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System integration

In today’s world there are thousands of systems that work perfectly in the field for which they are designed. As a result, complex business processes can no longer be run by a single system. The use of one system is desired by all, but almost impossible. This is the reason why systems start “talking” to each other. System integration is one of the most important services for us and our customers. This service really saves speed and reduced errors due to lower user participation. To ensure the success of all countries, methodologies for integrating communication and business systems are strictly followed. This includes preliminary research, detailed description of architecture and connections between objects, times, required formats, online or offline connections.

For the integration of ERP. our Agency has an experienced team of consultants, both our own and external, familiar with a wide range of technologies. The integration is mainly for the products we offer – Soft1 and Pantheon, but we can also help with other systems not included in our portfolio at the request of the client. In general, integration includes the following stages:

Examples of integrations made by us: