Food industry
Most often, companies in the food industry are characterized by:

Most often, companies in the food industry are characterized by:
Starting from these positions, it is obvious that use of business system that can administer, control and inform the production processes for all important parameters it’s a must. Over the years, the team of ERP Agency has successfully implemented several projects in companies in the food industry and gained excellent experience and recommendations in the industry.
The administration of the production process should allow:
The control process in the food industry allows early detection of bottlenecks, demands of materials or determines the need to re-plan work orders according to production conditions. The control also allows analysis/comparison between planned and actual production costs and thus calculation of real production costs. The control process also enables employees to monitor compliance with the norms and thus be rewarded for the results achieved.
Business systems must provide quality information for all production processes as well. Timely and accessible information in modern food companies is essential to meet the expectations of customers, employees and management.
The team of ERP Agency together with has developed custom modules, used in food manufacturing companies. Modules increased the work and administration efficiency of production. Special emphasis should we placed on warehouse management. It satisfies the need with the Warehouse Management solution, which successfully manages micro - locations, variants, etc. and is used on PDAs fully integrated with the business system.
The digitalization of the production process is a step that must be taken by all production companies. Over the years, our team has worked on a number of digitalization projects in Bulgaria, Macedonia, Kosovo, Albania, Serbia, Slovenia and has helped many companies to improve their business processes. We would like to share this experience with you. Your business can be more profitable once you apply this experience.
Number of employees: 78
Year of implementation: 2018
Implemented packages:
– Efficient production procedures;
– Management accounting;
– Cost accounting.
If you and your company are interested in the topic of improving production processes, call us to schedule a presentation.
Our team is waiting for you!